Email inquiries for any collaboration are welcome!
A panel of around 1,500 household survey data (2014, 2017) in Brong Ahafo and Western regions to understand linkages among natural resource management, use, and livelihoods:

A panel of around 1,200 households (2016, 2019) in 11 municipalities in the states of Bahia and Piauí (Cerrado biome) to investigate the impacts of land registration on land use/cover change and livelihoods:

Data collection of around 1,300 households (2018) in four counties (Grand Bassa, Lofa, Sinoe, and Maryland) to assess how land tenure changes have affected rural communities in their forest use and livelihoods and understand underlying mechanisms:

Experimental design (resource extraction games) and data collection on different types of information interventions (passive vs. active) regarding community land rights in 12 towns (three from each of four counties):